18 de mar. de 2014
Ardil 22
"É a morte que se trata de enganar por mil ardis...é o ardil que mantém o sujeito fora de combate, como Vênus fez a Páris, fazendo com que estivesse em outro lugar que não onde se corre o risco, não deixando no lugar mais do que uma sombra de si mesmo, pois ele anula antecipadamente tanto o ganho quanto a perda, abdicando de saída ao prazer que está em jogo". (Jacques Lacan, 1966).
26 de jan. de 2014
The Loneliness Zone
there's nothing like a fucking cigarette when you're low. every puff you take is eternal, the thoughts just flow and never go where you expect them to..the smoke melts between locks of hair creating this oniric atmosphere, but it's such a solitary thing, specially to the ones already versed in loneliness. the anguish just vanishes. it's an unchangeable moment, and when it's done you never want to do it again.
would it be too bad if I confessed to you now? only now, after all the emotions have worn off and they're just dead skin from yesterday.
it's just terrible when you feel that your pain is grander than everyone elses, because then it might as well be...one pathetic piece of relationship and then nothingness, vaccum, empty bottom of void. and darkness surrounds you everywhere.
pathetic just sticks to your bones like tar. and loneliness is so blazing and hollow, like an eternal hallway you're somehow doomed to walk through. nobody said it was easy..and when the lyrics "it's such a shame for us to part" don't ring any bell whatsoever for you anymore, then you know it really has gotten ugly.
would it be too bad if I confessed to you now? only now, after all the emotions have worn off and they're just dead skin from yesterday.
it's just terrible when you feel that your pain is grander than everyone elses, because then it might as well be...one pathetic piece of relationship and then nothingness, vaccum, empty bottom of void. and darkness surrounds you everywhere.
pathetic just sticks to your bones like tar. and loneliness is so blazing and hollow, like an eternal hallway you're somehow doomed to walk through. nobody said it was easy..and when the lyrics "it's such a shame for us to part" don't ring any bell whatsoever for you anymore, then you know it really has gotten ugly.
Trecho de "Um Romance Subversivo"
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Fonte: Kurt Cobain's Journal |
trecho de um diálogo:
- não serve de nada ir contra a maré. nós todos sabemos que a sociedade não aceita pessoas com maneiras e aparências muito distintas do que se é esperado delas..não há o que se fazer.
- então você quer dizer que por conta da sociedade não admitir esses expurgos, isto é, coisas ditas "estranhas" e "diferentes" dela mesma, nos obriga automaticamente a abdicar de nossos desejos e aspirações mais íntimos? tudo assim, por mera conformação do espírito? Porque eu lhe digo, X, estou mais para a confrontação do que para a conformação;
"Se permitíssemos que a sociedade ditasse as regras até mesmo entre quatro paredes, nós não teríamos travestis, gays, obesos, nerds ou adolescentes desajustados..maldição, nós seríamos parte de uma mesma massa disforme e inerte! Morta justamente por não poder clamar por nosso direito básico, que nos distingue dos outros animais: o desejo..uma massa cinzenta, pálida como a morte, sem qualquer sopro de vida ou inspiração. 'a verdadeira arte vem da subversão'".
"'Cause I'd rather stay here
With all the madmen
Than Perish with the sadmen roaming free
And I'd rather play here
With all the madmen
For I'm quite content they're all as sane as me"
(David Bowie - Madmen)
Sonata de Outono
Aquele velho sentimento de querer se redimir e renovar, ser outro alguém...geralmente vem em momentos de desespero e arrependimento. Cenas vem à mente, não escrevê-las seria o mesmo que me fragmentar em pedaços irreparáveis.
Uma mãe e uma filha de relacionamento distante, onde nenhuma delas nunca disse nenhuma palavra de afeto...quando repentinamente a filha se inclina sobre o ombro da mãe e diz que a ama. Que momento precioso e inesperado, as feições do rosto da mãe poderiam ser esculpidas em cera, tal foi sua surpresa ao ouvir as palavras proferidas por aqueles lábios, finalmente.
Uma ode aos dois polos de mim
Vez ou outra sinto-me inclinada a me recolher para o lugar mais obscuro e silencioso que posso encontrar dentro de mim, cedendo à pressão que esmaga; minha introspecção vestida de cinza.
Em outros momentos, sinto-me inclinada a "viver a vida ao máximo, sabe?" sair e sentir as cores por todos os lados, ser meu próprio self e fazer o que desejar; minha ansiedade vestida com penas.
Porque um lado de mim é Joel Barish, e o outro é Clementine Kruczynski.
A própria contradição de ambos é o que faz a coexistência possível, mas nunca pacífica. Uma dança de polos perdidos querendo se encontrar...
Everyday Is Like Sunday
it's become rare to have these moments of enlightement lately.the routine and endless lists of movies take over most parts of my brain and leave me creationless. or do they come only to prove that I always have been? on a breezy cloudy sunday you find out that you still have a little spot inside a world, even if it's so small it may seem unsignificant before stranger's eyes. you find out you still feel glad to wake up every morning and do the same shit you always do, because people somehow get you through it. there comes a moment in my day I just want to listen to this song by David Bowie that I remember to be really beautiful and badass, but I just can't remember the name, and the hunger grows, lingering for the unknown melodiy (the name was "Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed").
right now I don't agree with that someone who said that memories are hunt horns whose sound fade through the wind. I think they live among us, in every aspect; one year ago, he still lives inside, beside me and among me. 6 years ago, he still lives inside me as well. and to see how much you've grown all along the years, the perspective is enpowering, if I have lived through all of those things, I swear I can live through anyhting else.
as for the other matters, I believe they're not fit here, because I don't feel like thinking about them nor have valid reflections that could suffice for now.
right now I don't agree with that someone who said that memories are hunt horns whose sound fade through the wind. I think they live among us, in every aspect; one year ago, he still lives inside, beside me and among me. 6 years ago, he still lives inside me as well. and to see how much you've grown all along the years, the perspective is enpowering, if I have lived through all of those things, I swear I can live through anyhting else.
as for the other matters, I believe they're not fit here, because I don't feel like thinking about them nor have valid reflections that could suffice for now.
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